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Natural Bos d 4 牛奶過敏原Bos d4

產(chǎn)品分類 > 食物過敏原 > Natural Bos d 4 牛奶過敏原Bos d4

Natural Bos d 4 牛奶過敏原Bos d4

促銷: 9200.00
價格: 9200.00
Allergen:nBos d 4 (a-lactalbumin)


Source:Partially purified Bovine milk 

Mol. Wt:14 kD


Column chromatography. Purity on silver stained SDS-PAGE >95%.


See product insert.


Preservative and carrier-free in endotoxin free phosphate buffered saline, pH 7.4. Filtered through 0.22μm filter.

Storage:Store at -20oC

Notes:Avoid repeated freeze-thaw cycles.

The natural Bos d 4 is an InBio? product.

Product Resources:

Natural Bos d 4 Certificate of Analysis

Allergens are provided for research and commercial use in vitro:  not for human in vivo or therapeutic use.


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  4. Li X, Yuan S, Huang M, Gao J, Wu Z, Tong P, Yang A, Chen H. Identification of IgE and IgG epitopes on native Bos d 4 allergen specific to allergic children. Food Funct. 2016 Jul13;7(7):2996-3005.